Monday, September 21, 2020

By Richard Brautigan

 For Fear You Will Be Alone

For fear you will be alone
you do so many things
that aren’t you at all.

April 7, 1969

I feel so bad today
that I want to write a poem.
I don’t care: any poem, this

if i should die before you do

you wake up
from death,
you will find yourself
in my arms,
I will be
kissing you,
will be crying

Star Hole

I sit here
on the perfect end
of a star, watching light
pour itself toward

Love Poem

It’s so nice
to wake up in the morning
all alone
and not have to tell somebody
you love them
when you don’t love them
any more.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"I open my eyes in the morning.
For a minute
I am neither here nor there.
Then in the next minute
I am here but starting
to be there."

Peggy Freyberg (excerpt from Wait A Minute)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Beloved One,
You cannot judge yourself and know who you are.
The truth about you cannot be judged.
Put aside your judgments then,
for one sweet holy moment,
and let me show you
something wonderful.
See what it’s like to be you
when you stop judging yourself.
What you judge is just an image.
After the last judgement you will know yourself again.
Love will appear in your own mirror.
To greet you as your friend.
For you are lovable.
And you are made
of love.
-Robert Holden