Sunday, May 17, 2015

I don't blog daily
Such foolish consistency
Says "I have no life."

-Siobhan Adcock


The naked mountains,
Washing themselves in spring rain
As green fields look on.

That sparrow bent down,
Its head tucked beneath its wing, –
Sewing a button?

A darting sparrow
Startles a skinny scarecrow
Back to watchfulness.

The creeping shadow
Of a gigantic oak tree
Jumps over the wall.

As my anger ebbs,
The spring stars grow bright again
And the wind returns.

On my trouser leg
Are still a few strands of fur
From my long dead cat.

The neighing horses
are causing echoing neighs
in neighboring barns

Whitecaps on the bay:
A broken signboard banging 
In the April wind. 

I am nobody:
A red sinking autumn sun
Took my name away.

As the sun goes down,
a green melon splits open
And juice trickles out.

Spring begins shyly
With one hairpin of green grass
In a flower pot.

An apple blossom
Trembling on a sunlit branch
From the weight of bees.

Make up you mind, Snail!
You are half inside your house,
And halfway out!

Burning out its time,
And timing its own burning,
One lonely candle.

Entering my town
In a heavy fall of snow,
I feel a stranger.

Just enough of snow
To make you look carefully
At familiar streets.

The arriving train
All decorated with snow
From another town.

Holding too much rain,
The tulip stoops and spills it,.
Then straightens again.

Leaving the doctor,
The whole world looks different.
this autumn morning.

A spring sky so clear
That you feel you are seeing
Into tomorrow.

A balmy spring wind
Reminding me of something
I cannot recall.

A valley village
Lies in the grip of moonlight:
How lonely it is.

Settling on the screen
Of the crowded movie house,
A white butterfly.